Virtual Working Group

Thu November 17th, 2022 @ 11:00am-12pm MT

Maximizing Enrollments for Utility Programs

Customers subscribing to your well-orchestrated demand response (DR) programs are the key ingredient to program success. However, motivating customers to take action can be challenging, especially with more than one program. Uplight wants to dive deep into the roadblocks to engagement, enrollment, or retention, or all of the above.

In this interactive session, we will discuss which device enrollment programs cause the most struggles for your utility, and what these pain points are. Uplight will then share the experiences and feedback that we have received around the best channels for enrollments, customer proof points, and opportunities for program expansion. Finally, we will brainstorm catalysts for adoption and strategies for customers to continue on their energy saving journey. Your utility will walk away with a set of actionable learnings that you can apply to your own enrollment programs as you contribute to Uplight’s product strategy.

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Job Title

What questions do you have for Uplight and your peers during this session?
