Electric Vehicle Solution Suite

Accelerate transportation electrification with Uplight’s Electric Vehicle (EV) Solutions.

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Providing a rebate or enrollment incentive for EV chargers on utility Marketplaces increases EV charger sales by 3X.

What We Deliver

No matter where you are with your EV strategy, Uplight’s modular solution set can help you engage, activate, and orchestrate your EV customer experience–helping you select and configure the programs that will have the most impact.

EV Data Aggregation
Insights & Outreach
Managed Charging
EV Data Aggregation

EV Data Aggregation

Consolidate all EV related customer data, and charge session data from Level 2 chargers or vehicle telematics to inform your EV strategy including grid management, managed charging and rates programs, and targeted marketing campaigns. EV Program Managers have access to:

Geographic charger location Charge session data from Level 2 chargers and vehicle telematics EV program enrollments dashboard Operations dashboard
Insights & Outreach

Insights and Outreach

Whether customers are starting to explore EVs or are already owners, surface content, interactive tools, and offerings that are right for them. Utilities can leverage Uplight’s proprietary EV Propensity model and/or Uplight’s EV Detection capabilities to increase customer reach and provide tailored recommendations. Customers can take advantage of several tools, including:

EV detection through AMI disaggregation Propensity to own an EV Targeted marketing

Marketplace, Enrollments, and Installation

Through Uplight’s Marketplace, customers can purchase EV chargers with instant rebates, enroll in a managed charging program, and even schedule a charger installation through our trusted partner Qmerit. For customers that already own a charger or prefer to connect their vehicle directly, Uplight’s Bring-Your-Own device enrollment flows enable customers to opt-in to EV programs at any step.

Managed Charging

Bundle Managed Charging and DR

Help customers take the guesswork out of their charging and reduce their energy bills through a variety of EV rates or managed charging programs. Enable customers to automatically charge during non-peak times of the day and take advantage of when the most clean energy is online. EV Drivers can take advantage of:

EV Rate Coaching EV Demand Response Active Managed Charging

“[EV adoption] is a massive opportunity for utilities to become more customer-focused by streamlining processes and organizational structures, to exploit new business opportunities, and be seen as a champion of positive change.”

"Preparing for an Electric Vehicle Future: How Utilities Can Succeed" ~ SEPA

EV Rates and Managed Charging

Increase awareness and facilitate enrollment for EV specific rates and managed charging programs. Uplight’s EV Pre-enrollment tool converts 75% of customers onto off-peak rates.

Utility Marketplace Integration

60% of customers that purchase a Level 2 Charger from a utility Marketplace opt-in to active managed charging programs.

From the Blog

EV Residential Charging Principle 4: Make Managed Charging Simple
What Does EV Charging Data Tell Us About TOU Program Effectiveness?
Uplight Featured in SEPA’s Managed Charging Report

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