B Corp Month Bingo

By Crystal Leaver on

B Corp Month Snowshoeing

As a B Corp, we at Uplight celebrated B Corp Month by playing B Corp bingo. Some of the bingo squares included replacing light bulbs with LEDs, going on a hike, shopping local, and cooking from scratch. Those that participated got entered into a drawing to give away $100 to the charity of their choice. 

B Corp Bingo

The Bingo card reminded us that small actions towards sustainability add up to a much bigger impact–something to keep in mind all year long! Here’s what Uplighters got up to during March while playing bingo. 

Cooked delicious food using leftovers.

B Corp meal


Harvested home-grown wheat-grass for a morning smoothie.

B Corp bingo wheatgrass


Snowshoed and skied.

B Corp Month Snowshoeing


Other Uplight employees remembered to unplug appliances when not using them, added plants to fish aquarium, and read related articles. Thanks to all who participated! 

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