This post was originally published on EnergySavvy’s website. EnergySavvy is now Uplight.
ACEEE recently released their fourth report featuring exemplary energy efficiency programs titled, “The New Leaders of the Pack: ACEEE’s Fourth National Review of Exemplary Energy Efficiency Programs,” and we’re excited to announce that this year’s report features four of our clients.
Every five years ACEEE reviews utility-funded energy efficiency programs nationwide to identify trends and present effective approaches. Taking into consideration direct energy savings, cost effectiveness, market impacts, customer service, innovation, and transferability, replicability, and expansion potential, the organization chooses the best in each of 14 categories ranging from Commercial to Multifamily to New Construction.
According to the report, “Energy efficiency continues to be one of the cleanest and lowest-cost utility system resources.” Utilities are continuing to expand their portfolios, spending over $7 billion annually on energy efficiency. Today’s energy efficiency program administrators face no shortage of challenges including stricter codes/standards, a reduced amount of low-hanging lighting opportunities, and the introduction of new technologies such as advanced metering and IoT.
Here are some featured highlights of our client’s work in energy efficiency:
Eversource’s Home Energy Services (HES) Program leverages EnergySavvy’s Residential Online Assessment for lead generation, leading in the Residential Comprehensive Retrofit category.
Commonwealth Edison’s Energy Efficiency Program Small Business Offering utilizes EnergySavvy’s Measurement and Optimization and Targeting solutions for their “trade-ally-driven” program in the Small Commercial category.
NYSERDA EmPower’s and Columbia Gas of Ohio’s streamlined their low-income energy efficiency programs with Workflow Automation. NYSERDA’s program was listed in the Low-Income: Statewide Comprehensive category, and Columbia Gas of Ohio won in the Low-Income: Natural Gas Utilities category.
Congratulations to all of the utilities mentioned in the report for being energy efficiency leaders. Want to make the list next time around? Check out the ACEEE report and contact us to see how we might be able to help.