The Real One-stop Shop for Utility Customers

By Crystal Leaver on

Shopping Basket

Energy customers today seek simplified, integrated experiences. Next generation energy Marketplaces can create these for customers as a comprehensive platform for customers–showcasing energy-related products, programs, and services. By upselling, cross selling, and bundling utilities can create more value for customers while also boosting revenue. And it’s particularly important not to forget about services like contractor installation and virtual or in-person home audits in the Marketplace mix. 

Personalized recommendations are a key component of upselling, cross-selling, and bundling. Uplight added product recommendations to the Marketplace cart to make it easy for customers to add complementary products–increasing the attachment rate, the rate at which customers add an additional product to purchase, to over 5%. 

Removing friction is another key element of modern Marketplaces, and the most frustrating processes for utility customers are around rebates. Customers often need to fill out forms after purchase, submit them on a different site or by mail, and wait 6-8 weeks for a check. Today’s Marketplaces enable customers to instantly validate rebate eligibility and apply it directly to their purchase, eliminating the need for a separate application. 

Find out more about how to create a true one-stop shopping experience for your utility customers in our eBook, Maximizing Customer Engagement with Utility Marketplaces.


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