White Paper
Unlocking New Value Streams with Multi-Asset Virtual Power Plants

For decades, utilities have used Demand Response (DR) and Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) to reduce peak demand, reduce coincident peaks, manage circuit-specific issues, and support the grid during emergencies. In the new energy economy, virtual power plants (VPPs) enable energy companies to integrate multi-asset DERs into wholesale markets.
The paradigm shift in the way energy is produced and consumed means new opportunities for additional value streams, increased flexibility, better reserve margins, and reduced emissions.
Download this white paper to learn how VPP platforms seamlessly orchestrate disparate DERs into single dispatchable resources and how to:
Download this white paper to learn how VPP platforms seamlessly orchestrate disparate DERs into single dispatchable resources and how to:
- Deploy multiple resource types into the market
- Create a pricing strategy for each resource type
- Build resource stacks for optimal economic dispatch
- Integrate constraints into the resource stack
- Automate the creation of resource stacks to enable daily or hourly adjustment