Maximize Market Revenue and Reduce Costs With Energy Asset Optimization
Connect your energy portfolios to markets and make better decisions to optimize utilization across multiple value streams with scalable, intelligent technology.
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Proven Technology Trusted by
Asset Owners & Operators Worldwide

Connect, Manage, and Optimize Energy Assets at Scale

Connect, Manage, and Optimize Energy Assets at Scale
Grid-scale assets have growing potential to generate substantial value for power producers, retailers, energy service companies, and site owners—but only if operators can intelligently orchestrate them.
Uplight’s energy asset optimization solutions provide a centralized way for DER owners and operators to connect to energy markets, manage availability and performance, optimize dispatch, and maximize market revenue and energy bill savings.
Site and Portfolio Performance

Site and Portfolio Performance
Uplight’s comprehensive suite of performance tools empowers BTM asset operators to aggregate, monitor, dispatch, and measure DERs at the site and portfolio level, including solar, storage, flexible C&I loads, EV charging stations, and more. Our predictive controls support intelligent co-optimization of value streams across site-level time-of-use (TOU) arbitrage, demand-charge management (DCM), ancillary and wholesale markets, and virtual power plant (VPP) programs.
Market Connectivity

Market Connectivity
Uplight’s extensible platform empowers FTM energy traders to maximize market revenue. Our solutions ingest data, aggregate insights, and provide adaptive controls to support real-time bidding and asset dispatch optimization. Built-in APIs connect agnostically with complementary platforms such as Energy Trading and Risk Management (ETRM) solutions, ensuring robust and secure data transmission in full compliance with market rules and regulations.

Unlock Multiple Value Streams With a Comprehensive Platform That:

Unlock Multiple Value Streams With a Comprehensive Platform That:
- Creates energy flexibility from portfolios of DERs with less risk.
- Future-proofs your business as asset portfolios mature and market requirements evolve.
- Powers faster, smarter energy trading and asset dispatch decisions.
- Accelerates revenue generation and bill savings by co-optimizing asset deployments.
Why Partner With Uplight for Energy Asset Optimization?
- Connect assets in multiple global utility, capacity, wholesale, and ancillary markets.
- Measure and model energy bill savings and market revenue.
- Integrate with existing energy management systems, trading platforms, and site controllers.
- Co-optimize asset dispatch across multiple value streams.
- Configure custom boundaries to arrange price, load, weather, and generation forecasts relative to your goals.
- Dial in market bids with AI-powered dispatch and revenue optimization tools.
- Monitor and visualize asset flexibility and performance in real time.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Our platform can integrate with any type of dispatchable energy asset such as solar PV, energy storage, wind, CHP units, generators, controllable end-use loads, fuel cells, and EV chargers.
Yes, our platform can connect with your organization’s preferred energy management systems using configurable APIs that enable scalable, aggregated, and optimized access to flexibility resources.
In North America, we support client assets and positions in NYISO, ERCOT, CAISO, SPP, and PJM capacity, demand response, and ancillary services markets. Internationally, we do so in RTE, Terna, Red Electrica, and AEMO markets.
Advancing C&I Sustainability Through Co-Optimized Microgrids

Advancing C&I Sustainability Through Co-Optimized Microgrids
Discover how energy-as-a-service (EaaS) company Greenstruxure partnered with Bimbo Bakeries USA to launch 6 microgrids supporting site-level decarbonization, peak demand reduction, and energy savings goals.
Put Your Assets to Work With Uplight

Put Your Assets to Work With Uplight
Learn how Uplight can support your market connectivity and site/portfolio performance needs.
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