A Day in the Life of Val D’Acosta

By Val D'Acosta on

I’m Val D’Acosta, a Marketing Intern working for Uplight. I’m taking a quarter off from my Electrical Engineering degree program and enjoying the time to learn more about Uplight, the energy industry, and marketing. I am also enrolled in a Software Development Bootcamp while working here at Uplight. Most of my days are spent in front of a computer, but I love learning new things. Throughout this journey, Uplight has been very supportive of helping me explore different paths of working in technology.  

Here is  what a typical day looks like for me. If you are interested in knowing more about working at Uplight, check out our Careers page

6:30 AM: I usually wake up between 6:30 and 7:00 AM, since I am not a morning person, the snooze button is pressed a couple of times. Once I feel comfortable to step out of bed and start my day I get ready for work, grab a quick bite (usually a banana), and head out the door. 

8:20 AM: I take public transport to work, so I walk to my closest subway station and read or catch up on emails while I get there. Not only is it easier to take the train, but it is also better for the environment. By replacing one personal vehicle with public transportation, you can achieve a substantial reduction of 30% in carbon dioxide emissions. My commute usually doesn’t take more than 45 minutes. 

9:00 AM: I start work. My mornings usually consist of taking a few meetings through Zoom with my team who are all in different time zones than me. I’m based in Boston, so I start the day before my Boulder and Seattle team mates. I go through my checklist for the day, which I created the day before. I’m always planning ahead! The morning is quiet and can be good for getting through a lot of tasks.

As an intern, I have a wide variety of projects with many members of Market Innovation such as writing blog posts, helping plan events, putting together a website report, or updating Pardot. 

10:30 AM: I get to dig into some Inflation Reduction Act research now, and help my coworkers be more prepared when reaching out to clients and State Energy Offices. I love being able to see a little bit of everything while working here. 

1:00 PM: Around this time I start to get hungry, so I either go to the kitchen and eat the lunch that I prepared for myself, or decide which of the restaurants nearby I am going to try that day. It is hard to choose the healthy options around, and not go to Shake Shack every time. If there are other people in the office, I’ll ask them for company.

5:30 PM: After lunch I get back into the office and finish up work around 5:30. Before I wrap up and head back home, I take my time to create my checklist for the next day, to get in and start working right away tomorrow. 

6:30 PM: My commute back home is usually spent the same way on the way back, eager to get home and have some time to relax and unwind. When I get home, I usually will lay down for 30 minutes, and have some free time for myself. 

7:00 PM: I eat dinner with my family.

7:30 PM: I go into my office and start my Software Development boot camp class. It’s also an example of an Uplight value, Grow. I’m excited to grow my knowledge by learning a whole new skillset. Today I learned about creating html websites and how to create their corresponding CSS files to edit them.

10:00 PM: After a day full of screens and constant absorption of information I am exhausted and ready for bed. I’ll get ready and set my multiple alarms for the next day, laying thinking about everything that I need to do the next day until I drift off to sleep. 

Tips and tricks for success

Most of my day is spent in front of a computer, so I recommend taking breaks every 30 minutes to an hour to prevent eye fatigue and be able to do your work efficiently. 

I also use the time in my commute to be productive, check mails, understand what is waiting for your day ahead. 

This is the first time I’m working with teams across time zones, so I’ve learned that having all the time zones in my calendar ensures that I am setting up or joining meetings at the right time. Also, communication is key. Communicating after each step of my projects to the team allows me and them to know if or when I need help, and it ensures that all projects are completed by their due date.

Why Uplight?

I’ve really enjoyed working at Uplight. From the first moment I came here, everyone that I have talked to has supported me and encouraged me to be the best Marketing Intern there is. Even though we are all working from different locations and in different roles, the sense of community that I feel is empowering. Join us and be a part of a team dedicated to creating a brighter, greener future.

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