Behavioral Energy Efficiency

Empower your customers to take control over their energy usage and bills with personalized and cost-effective Behavioral Energy Efficiency (BEE).

Learn More

Uplight’s Home Energy Reports and usage alerts have saved millions of customers across dozens of utilities a total of 5.3 TWh of energy since 2012.


What We Deliver

Reach your energy savings and customer satisfaction goals with Uplight’s world-class Home Energy Reports.

Reliable Delivery
Easy integration
Reach Customers
Reliable Delivery

Reliable, large-scale delivery

Uplight delivers personalized and dynamic HERs to millions of energy customers a month.

Over 95% send rates Rigorous data-security and QC standards More than 60 million HERs and eHERs sent in 2019

Personalized insights

Data-driven, timely, and personalized insights motivate and educate customers on how to adopt more energy-efficient behavior—boosting satisfaction.

Easy integration

Easy integration

Save time with easy up-front HER customization, while minimizing required IT cost—making data integration a quick and painless process.

Reach Customers

Reach all customer segments

Customize recommendations and messaging for each customer segment, including low- to moderate-income customers.



Uplight’s industry leading Marketplace features the broadest set of utility offerings

Bundled product rebates and program enrollments, all at point of sale. Demand response pre-enrollment with up to 60% uptake Industry-leading customer net promoter scores Frictionless digital experience minimizes customer input requirements Multichannel, personalized marketing services

From the Blog

Achieving High Customer Satisfaction at Jackson EMC with Marketplace
Helping Customers Weather the Recession with Marketplace
What are Utility Marketplaces Missing?

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