Behavioral Energy Efficiency
Empower your customers to take control over their energy usage and bills with personalized and cost-effective Behavioral Energy Efficiency (BEE).
Learn MoreUplight’s Home Energy Reports and usage alerts have saved millions of customers across dozens of utilities a total of 5.3 TWh of energy since 2012.
What We Deliver
Reach your energy savings and customer satisfaction goals with Uplight’s world-class Home Energy Reports.
Reliable, large-scale delivery
Uplight delivers personalized and dynamic HERs to millions of energy customers a month.
Personalized insights
Data-driven, timely, and personalized insights motivate and educate customers on how to adopt more energy-efficient behavior—boosting satisfaction.
Easy integration
Save time with easy up-front HER customization, while minimizing required IT cost—making data integration a quick and painless process.
Reach all customer segments
Customize recommendations and messaging for each customer segment, including low- to moderate-income customers.
Uplight’s industry leading Marketplace features the broadest set of utility offerings
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Industry Insights
Helping Customers Weather the Recession with MarketplaceIndustry Insights
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