Digital Customer Engagement

Leverage every digital touchpoint for both residential and non-residential utility customers, providing personalized engagement.

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A large Mid-Atlantic energy provider received a 92% customer satisfaction rating using Uplight’s Digital Engagement solutions.

What We Deliver

Uplight’s best-in-class digital solution suite enables an Amazon-like utility customer experience.

Elevate Savings

Launch-point for connected customer journeys

Deliver consistent, personalized messaging and insights across every channel including:

Online portals Emails Alerts & mid-cycle updates Online energy assessments
Elevate Savings

Elevate energy savings and satisfaction

Increased digital engagement and personalized messaging boosts energy savings tied to behavioral energy efficiency solutions and customer satisfaction.


Motivate customers to take action

One-click, connected journey launch point to other products & services (rates adoption, other DSM programs, Marketplace, Demand Response, and more) that leverages consistent messaging and insights from other outbound channels.


Flexible portal implementation

Portals are available as a stand-alone microsite, fully widgetized, and embeddable into other existing portals, or as APIs that can also be used by internal utility staff.


User-first design

Customers view an intuitive energy usage visualization, coupled with data-driven, personalized, and actionable insights, regardless if they have a smart meter installed, including end-use disaggregation, bill comparisons, tips and challenges, solar, and more.

Case Study

Washington Gas

Washington Gas launched Uplight’s Online Home Energy Profile survey, which resulted in over 90% of their customers completing the survey and receiving personalized savings recommendations.

From the Blog

How a Secure, Open Platform Drives Customer Participation in the Future Grid
What if You Threw a VPP Party and Nobody Came: Getting Customers Onboard
Inside Uplight’s Winning Game Plan for BFCM Success

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