Serving Customers During COVID-19: Tanuj Deora on SECC

By Crystal Leaver on

Tanuj Deora, VP of Market Innovation, talks with Patty Durand of the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC) about Uplight’s work around COVID-19, social justice and equity, and the state of the energy industry–kicking off their new video interview series. Watch the video here or read the highlights from Tanuj’s video below.

  • Uplight has been able to help utilities tailor their response to COVID-19 to best meet their customers’ needs. Some utilities stopped behavioral and Marketplace promotions all together while others adjusted their messages to be more appropriate. Uplight was there to help each utility with their unique approach.
  • Uplight was able to look at data to understand how much demand is going up and where. For example, utilities saw a 20-30% increase in residential demand with many peak times shifting. 
  • As a company, Uplight is prioritizing creating a more inclusive workforce, investing more in recruitment, and giving employees space to develop their own initiatives. Product-wise, we are also looking at our own products and services to make sure they are bias free.
  • As customers have higher bills and utilities are facing decreased revenue due to overall load decreases, Uplight is partnering with utilities to help them meet their goals and help customers save energy such as online energy assessments. 
  • Finally, while no one can predict the future, Tanuj points out there is increasing momentum to reach climate goals and targets–something that makes us at Uplight very happy! 

Thank you, SECC, for including Uplight in your series! 

Industry Insights

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