Stop High Bill Calls Before They Begin

By Crystal Leaver on

This post was originally published on EnergySavvy’s website. EnergySavvy is now Uplight.

Customer service representatives (CSRs) are all too familiar with customers calling about high bills. These calls make up over half of call center queues. And it’s hard to pinpoint the best way to solve each call since each customer has his or her own account history, preferences, and profile. Navigating multiple programs on multiple screens takes more time than customers have, and worst of all, may not even identify the underlying issues.

Fortunately, with integrated information and smart, real-time recommendations, CSR’s can have the insights they need to resolve high billing–and other calls the first time around. Best of all, these recommendations are not only available to the CSR, but also across every customer channel.

Cloud-based personalization can enable a utility to address the four emerging challenges of utility customer care today which include the data dilemma, the self-service charge, the communication explosion, and the plight of the LMI customer. By making integrated customer insights available in real-time, CSRs can more easily pinpoint the underlying reason for each call. And, personalized self-service options such as mobile, IVR, chat bots, and web portals can give customers the answers they need before they even call in.

Download EnergySavvy’s latest eBook to learn about the four critical components of modern utility customer care and get started on improving your first call resolution today!


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