
Thu June 29th, 2023 @ 11:00am-12:00pm MT

Avoiding Heatwave Havoc: El Paso Electric Boosts Grid Resiliency with Uplight’s Demand Response

Serving customers in Texas and New Mexico, El Paso Electric, was the first utility in TX to go electric. With increasing summer temperatures that put even more strain on the grid, the utility adopted Uplight’s demand response solution to avoid grid emergencies.


Energy efficiency program manager Crystal Enoch will discuss how El Paso Electric utilizes Marketplace and Demand Response to build critical load flexibility during triple digit temperatures––all while maintaining customer comfort.


In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How El Paso Electric met program enrollment goals (early!) in Texas
  • How their program contributed to curtailing nearly 4 MW of energy
  • How your utility can maximize customer retention during summer heat waves
  • A sneak peek of this summer’s DR season at El Paso Electric